Living Stronger Longer
I’ll be covering topics from proper exercise, nutrition, longevity, but also things like music, philosophy and anything and everything that contributes to maximizing life quality.
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Bill DeSimone: Joint Friendly Fitness – Sustainable Success Podcast
In this podcast, I talk with Bill DeSimone about his new book: "Joint Friendly Fitness" We talk about how to stay healthy and fit while training around injuries.
The World’s Most Efficient Workout with Doug McGuff
Is your exercise program actually rational?
Balancing enough light, and getting it at the right time!
Technology has disrupted circadian rhythms AND given us tools to adapt by adopting simple daily routines!
Great Podcast on Both Why We do what we do, and/or Why There is so Much Confusion in Exercise “Science”
What is the BEST medicine? The one you can SUSTAIN over a lifetime!
Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health
Dr. Ranjan Chatterjee explains why this is even more important than exercise or nutrition!

Tips, Guides, and Expert Advice
Tune In To Living Stronger Longer
Videos to Motivate and Educate